
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Post-Op Days Five and Six

Post-Op Day Five

            This was a relatively uneventful day. Since they decided to let Jack stay on the vent for a few days, there really wasn't much going on. Dr. Dabal came by and talked to me. He told me that Jack does have an infection but they weren't sure where it was. He said that infections are really common and they would just treat it and then try to extubate again. He told me that when babies are on so many pain medications, they become addicted very easily. So, they were going to start him on Ativan and Methadone to help ween him off of the Morphine and other medications he has been on. He said that it was something they pretty much always have to do and really wasn't a big deal. Jack pretty much just slept all day and rested.

Post-Op Day Six

            Jack's temperature started to go up this morning and it scared me, of course. When the doctors came by doing rounds they told us that he had an infection in his airway caused by bacteria in his vent tube. He said it was a common kind of infection and was very treatable. It's called Tracheitis. He is getting two IV antibiotics and one inhaled antibiotic. Our nurse explained to us that he should react well to the antibiotics since he has never had any before. God willing, those antibiotics will knock the infection out completely in the next couple of days and we won't have to worry about that anymore. They did run a test this evening on his inflammation and it came back significantly less than it has been which was a really good sign that the antibiotics are working.
          The main problem right now with the infection is that they can't extubate him again until the infection is gone. The plan to extubate went from hopefully Wednesday to hopefully Thursday or Friday. We are nothing if not patient so we don't mind the wait. We just want our boy better, doesn't matter how long it takes.
           In other news, Jack had two ginormous poops today. I know you probably don't care about my son's poop but he has been having trouble going so it was a big deal. Way to go Baby Jack! Haha :)
           We should get the results of the cultures they drew tomorrow afternoon and hopefully they'll be better than they have been, meaning his infection is dying. His sats are still sitting mostly in the 60s but are slowly improving. They're giving him Tylenol to treat his fever but hopefully that will start to go down too and we can drop the Tylenol. He's getting his PICC line right this minute. By the time we're allowed back in at 8:30 they should be done with that and that will lower his risk of infection related to his Central line which they are taking out as soon as they get his PICC line in.


         We're making progress slowly but surely. Today Dr. Dabal told Josh that he doesn't consider Jack a sick baby. That was reassuring to hear. This situation is such a roller coaster and there are ups and downs every single day. This morning I was bawling my eyes out, terrified. This evening I was laughing my head off, comforted. You never know what they day will bring. My faith in God is the only thing that brings any sort of stability right now. I truly don't know how people go through this without God in their corner. For me, I just constantly remind myself that we are going through this for a reason...BUT we're only going through. It will all be over pretty soon and we'll look back and be able to see the evidence of God being with us through this whole experience.
         I believe in my heart that God does have a plan for Jack far beyond this moment in his life. I believe that God has a plan for Jack as an adult. I always have. Sometimes when fear creeps in it becomes harder to see the bigger picture. It becomes hard to see past this moment. However, I know that God ALWAYS sees the bigger picture. He wrote it. He knows exactly what day Jack will take his first step. He knows that Jack's first word will undoubtedly be "Momma." He knows who Jack will marry. He knows how many souls will spend eternity in heaven because of the impact that my sweet Jack had on the world.
          My comfort is in knowing that Jack is having and will continue to have an impact on this world. God sometimes allows us to go through trials to teach us lessons and also to use us. I believe that we are most certainly learning lessons right now. We're learning about having faith, about how to trust God completely, about how to be patient, about how sometimes God's plan works out so much better than you could have imagined when you just trust him and allow him to do things in His own timing. Sometimes we look back and think, thank goodness that God didn't give us what we were asking for. He most certainly always knows best.

"And therefore the Lord waits to be gracious to you; and therefore He lifts Himself up, that He may have mercy on you and show loving-kindness to you. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed are all those who wait for Him, who expect and look and long for Him." Isaiah 30:18

"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139: 13-14



  1. I look forward to your post on updates on baby jack you guys are awesome and God does have a huge plan for all of you. All of you are in my prayers daily. Love and Prayers.
