
Saturday, May 28, 2016

Post-op Day 2

Jack had a really rough night last night. He threw up all night long. He was so thirsty so we would give him a little juice or water to help clean out his mouth each time and then half an hour later he was throwing up again. He would sit up and say, “I’m about to throw up. Go get the nurse.” ;) Sweet boy.

This morning he woke up really struggling with pain. He was not as responsive to us as he was yesterday. There were sometimes when he was just staring off into space and not answering any of the questions we asked him. Then other times he would wake up thrashing around and yelling that it hurt. He would wake up yelling STOP!! I think that the pain surprised him when he woke up and he thought someone was doing something to him even when we weren’t standing next to his bed. He’s also been yelling out “Oh my God!” over and over. That is something he gets in trouble for at home because he knows he’s not supposed to say that but its not exactly easy to get onto your baby when he’s screaming in pain in a hospital bed. So we have just lightly corrected him and reminded him that we say gosh or goodness. ;) 

This afternoon he took a turn for the SLEEPY! He has pretty much slept all evening. He has woken up to get some juice or water or to stand up to pee pee but other than that he’s been out like a light all afternoon. We’re sincerely hoping that doesn’t mean that he’ll be a party animal all night. 

He asked me for a juice box about an hour ago and so I got him a new one and held it up to his mouth. He asked me for the wings so I attempted to get the wings out and ended up squeezing the juice box and spilling juice on his bed. Me and Josh both laughed and then Jack SMILED. WITH TEETH! Yay for small victories! :)

His drainage has slowed down some throughout the day but there is a big possibility that its only because he has been laying down all day. Hopefully the fluid is slowing down though and we can talk about getting one, if not both of his tubes out tomorrow or in the next few days. Until the tubes come out our days will probably look a lot like today did. Just laying in bed and drinking sips of juice or water. Once the tubes are out is when we can really start getting him up and about and maybe even talk about him taking a bite or two of a cracker. Baby steps. 

Even though Jack is in a lot of pain right now and doesn’t seem to be making great strides in progress, the reality is that this is only post-op day 2. He’s off the vent, off of oxygen, and satting in the upper 90s. Every time I look at that monitor I just smile from ear to ear. My baby boy. Finally pink. The hard part is over. Surgery went well and now we’re just in recovery. It won’t last forever. Every day it will get better until he’s back on the ball field or running in the yard with his friends. 

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