
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Post-Op Day Two

Post-Op Day 2

         We woke up this day determined that it was going to be a good day. We prayed for a miracle and believed that God would provide.

         It was pretty early when Dr. Dable came around the corner. I was SO happy to see him that I practically knocked people down trying to get to him. He told me that he had emailed me back but I hadn't gotten it because cell phone service at the hospital is non-existant. He instantly began to reassure me about Jack's condition. He said that even though the saturations were still low, Jack was tolerating it well and that is what really matters. He said that they weren't happy with the sats but that they would figure out what was causing them to be so low and how to get them back up. He said that Jack was still going to be ok.

           Why couldn't he have been there the night before when I was desperate for someone to say just that? Maybe God was testing my ability to rely on Him instead of the doctors for my hope and reassurance.

            Message received Lord. Lesson learned.

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go." Joshua 1:9

           Needless to say that post-op day two was off to a good start already. Jack's sats were still pretty low but we felt reassured that a solution was coming. Not long after Dr. Dable left Jack's bedside Dr. Borisino came by to tell us that he was going to meet with Dr. Dable and Dr. Law and come up with a plan for Jack. They were trying to decide if taking him off the vent was a good idea. They had just ran a test on Jack with the ECHO machine where they put some saline mixed with blood which formed tiny little micro bubbles into his veins then watch where it goes.This test would tell them if any blood was passing the Glenn and going straight to the heart. This could possibly explain why his sats were so low.
          Dr. Law came out of their meeting and told us that they had all agreed to leave Jack on the vent for now and to take him back for another heart cath. They felt like Jack's problem was probably one of two things. Either there was a vein that goes around the BD Glenn that used to be closed but had popped open because of the new pressure in Jack's heart. They assumed this was a possibility because of the results of the bubble test. If this was the case then that vein could be pumping blood past the Glenn and into the heart instead of taking the Glenn route to Jack's lungs. The other thing they were going to check for was just if everything from the surgery looked good. They said that because they already knew that Jack's lungs were healthy before the surgery then if everything from the surgery looked good and was working like it should,  they could safely conclude that Jack's sats were just taking longer to rise to an acceptable number but that given some time, they would.
          Even though we didn't want to have to do another procedure, we were relieved that they were able to promise us that some answers were coming soon. So, we signed the consent forms for the cath. Dr. Borisino also told us that there was a little bit of fluid sitting between Jack's lungs and his chest and they needed to put in a chest tube to drain that fluid. So, we signed the consent forms for that too. Sure, go ahead and put three new holes in our baby, like he hasn't been through enough already...Grrr.   The chest tube went it fine and instantly started to drain a pretty good amount of fluid. They said this would help the lungs to expand all the way and maybe bring his sats up a point or two. Then at 11am, they wheeled him off to the cath lab. It's funny how scared we were a few weeks ago when Jack had his first cath and now, compared to open heart surgery, heart caths are a total walk in the park.
           After waiting, and waiting, and then waiting some more, about three and a half hours to be specific, they called for me and Josh to go back. They told us that everything inside looked great. No open veins carrying blood past the Glenn. No problems with the surgery. Just a few spots on his lungs that were collapsed but that should fix itself when he started moving around, breathing hard, and coughing again. So, what they concluded was that Jack's heart function looked good and his sats will eventually rise on their own. They said that it might take some time and we should be patient but the good news is that there isn't really anything to worry about as long as his numbers stay above 60.

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Phil. 4:6-7


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