
Sunday, April 1, 2012

Ten things I LOVE about you

I love you in more ways than I could ever count or describe. The moment our eyes met for the first time I knew my life would never be the same. You instantly became my whole world. My love for you is infinite. Only God could ever love you more.

Now you're almost three months old and you change a little everyday. You're growing so fast and learning new things all the time. You love to explore the world and watch everything around you. You're the happiest baby. You love to smile. Your little gummy smile melts my heart. Me and your daddy will literally do anything to see that sweet smile.

Right now I just want to cherish every second of you being my tiny baby because you'll be grown into a little boy before too long. Here are ten of my very favorite things about you right now.

1. When you've been asleep and we pick you up for the first time you always curl your little legs up so tight and stretch your arms out. You love to stretch. You stretch out your little neck and sqeeze your eyes closed tight. It's one of my very favorite things you do.

2. I love the way that your little ears stick out just enough off the sides of you perfectly round little almost bald head. They make you who you are. Your own little person. My favorite little person.

3. I love the smell of your milky breath when you're falling asleep on my chest and you breathe into my face. I could literally live with you sleeping on my chest breathing into my face. It's heaven.

4. You make the most precious snoring sound when you're deep asleep. Daddy says you snore backwards like Mommy. I say I do NOT snore ;) but I love it when you do.

5. I love how you ALWAYS throw up on Daddy. That's always fun for Mommy. ;)

6. Sometimes when we pick you up when you've been sleping your little leg will shake like a dog. Its so adorable.

7. I love your baby feet. Your big toes are like a mile away from the rest of your toes at all times. Everyone jokes that they could drive a truck through there. You also keep your toes curled up all the time like your Daddy. Bless your heart if you have his feet. ;) And your toes are all really long. Your baby toe is every bit as long as the rest of them. AND your feet are really tiny. Even though you wear 3-6 months clothes now, the 0-3 months shoes are still too big. I just love those tiny feet.

8. You love your changing pad. You love to lie there and stare at your bright colored blanket on the wall. Sometimes you'll just smile so big at that big orange lion. You also love to stretch out on the changing pad. Probably cause its the only time during the day that Mommy lets you lie down. I can't help it though. You're too snuggly to put down if I don't have to.

9. Sometimes when we give you a bottle your little eyes will instantly roll back into your head like that milk is pure heaven. It's too funny. You also do that when you're falling asleep.

10. I love when you stretch out your tiny baby hands. Your sweet little fingers spread out and reach up and touch my face. Precious.

I love you Jack Aaron Odom. So much more than I could ever express and more than you'll ever know. Someday you're going to be an extraordinary man, but for now, just be Mommy's sweet baby boy for a while longer, ok? I'm nowhere near done soaking you up and breathing you in. All of your baby sounds and your baby smells and your baby skin and your baby kisses. Heaven.

I can't wait to watch you grow and see what God has in store for your life. I thank Him everyday for sending you to me. My precious boy.


  1. I most certainly know how you feel. (: I'm glad we both get to experience this wonderful mommy love!

  2. That is so sweet, he is every thing you said. Love him so.

  3. You can be certain that I will be praying for Jack and I believe with you for his complete healing. My son Sam also has HLHS and has a big brother named Jack. Your little Jack is adorable and I am sure God is already using his life mightily for the Kingdom's purposes. May God pour out his abundant blessing and favour upon your family. I invite you to visit our blog is you wish. We live in Australia and Sam is almost 4 now.
